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wiki:talvikylä [2017/04/05 08:45]
Helena Ranta [Lähteet]
wiki:talvikylä [2017/04/05 08:47]
Helena Ranta [Muu kirjallisuus]
Rivi 35: Rivi 35:
 ===== Muu kirjallisuus ===== ===== Muu kirjallisuus =====
 **Carpelan, Christian ja Lavento, Mika** 1996. Soil phosphorus survey at subrecent Saami winter village sites near Inari, Finnish Lapland. A preliminary report. Julkaisussa Mejdahl, V. & Siemen, P. (toim.): //​Proceedings from the 6th Nordic Conference on the Application of Scientific Methods in Archaeology,​ Esbjerg// 1993 Arkeologiske Rapporter 1, 1996: 97–107. **Carpelan, Christian ja Lavento, Mika** 1996. Soil phosphorus survey at subrecent Saami winter village sites near Inari, Finnish Lapland. A preliminary report. Julkaisussa Mejdahl, V. & Siemen, P. (toim.): //​Proceedings from the 6th Nordic Conference on the Application of Scientific Methods in Archaeology,​ Esbjerg// 1993 Arkeologiske Rapporter 1, 1996: 97–107.
 +**Hansen, Lars Ivar & Olsen, Bjørnar** 2004. //Samenes Historie fram til 1750//. Cappelen Akademisk Forlag, Oslo.
 + ​**Hansen,​ Lars Ivar & Olsen, Bjørnar 2014**. //Hunters in Transition. An Outline of Early Sámi History.// The Northern World. North Europe and the Baltic c. 400-1700 AD. Peoples, Economics and Cultures. Volume 63. Leiden. Boston.
 ===== Viitteet ===== ===== Viitteet =====
wiki/talvikylä.txt · Viimeksi muutettu: 2022/09/01 15:45 / Helena Ranta