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artikkelit:kronologia [2022/08/24 15:17]
Helena Ranta
artikkelit:kronologia [2022/09/06 13:16]
Helena Ranta [Lähteet]
Rivi 134: Rivi 134:
 **Kallio, Veikko & Zetterberg, Seppo** (toim.) 2003. //Suomen historian pikkujättiläinen//,​ WSOY. **Kallio, Veikko & Zetterberg, Seppo** (toim.) 2003. //Suomen historian pikkujättiläinen//,​ WSOY.
 +**Nordqvist,​ Kerkko** 2018. //The Stone Age of North-Eastern Europe 5500–1800 calBC: Bridging the gap between the East and the West.// Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, B Humaniora 160.
 +**Nordqvist,​ Kerkko & Mökkönen, Teemu** 2017. Periodisation of the Neolithic and radiocarbon chronology of the Early Neolithic and the beginning of the Middle Neolithic in Finland. //Documenta Praehistorica//​ XLIV: 78–86.
 +**Nordqvist,​ Kerkko & Mökkönen, Teemu** 2022. Pöljä Ware: Properties, dating and regional variation. //​Fennoscandia Archaeologica//​ XXXVIII: 29–58.
 +**Pesonen, Petro** 2021. //​Continuity and discontinuity in Early, Middle and Late Neolithic Pottery Types of Eastern Fennoscandia. Reflections from Bayesian chronologies//​. Unigrafia, Helsinki.
 **Pesonen, Petro & Oinonen, Markku** 2019. The chronology of Jäkärlä Ware – Bayesian interpretation of the old and new radiocarbon dates from Early and Middle Neolithic southwest Finland. //Documenta Praehistorica//​ XLVI: 246–267. **Pesonen, Petro & Oinonen, Markku** 2019. The chronology of Jäkärlä Ware – Bayesian interpretation of the old and new radiocarbon dates from Early and Middle Neolithic southwest Finland. //Documenta Praehistorica//​ XLVI: 246–267.
artikkelit/kronologia.txt · Viimeksi muutettu: 2022/09/06 13:46 / Helena Ranta